Friday, December 7, 2012

Lean To Shed Plans Explored

So how do you decide what kind of shed project is right from your garden space and will fit your requirements best. Well one of the first things to do is to accurately assess exactly how much space you have to construct the shed plans, if the space is tight and you are limited. You could go for a Lean To garden shed which may solve this issue and still leave you with a great storage facility that you can still use to store domestic items or garden tools.

One reason that this type of structure might actually serve you best is that it is in most cases a much cheaper option than many of the other types of shed plans. Again when planning the lean to shed plan you need to ensure that the shed fits the size of the plot you have so that you can build your shed plans effectively.

Normally the lean to shed project uses a wall or walls of your hose to attach the structure to, this can give you a very strong structure since its attached to something very solid. It can also ensure that you are able to use a small space to build an effective storage area that is often able to e reached from inside the house very easily.

When you use this type of shed you have to ensure the shed fits the available space exactly while also ensuring it offers you the maximum storage space that you require too,

you don't want to complete the project then find that it really does not offer you any of the advantages that set you out on this project in the first place. Although it is quite simple to build the Lean To Shed Plans project by yourself, it can still help to take advice from experts on what type of material to construct the shed in.

When you take help from the expert to create the shed they can easily show you show you how you need to proceed with the plan and even help you purchase construction equipment and materials at reasonable prices. Using high quality material in creating the garden shed will help you create a shed project that is reliable and will last a lifetime, it will also make your garden space look awesome.

So if you are looking for a suitable plan for your garden shed then just conduct a search on the internet. There are several plans being used and implemented and you can get great advice from real experts in the field, there are also lots of great pictures that will show you in easy steps how to build this shed plan.

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The Incredible Building Block - The Brick!

It's small enough to hold in one hand and when bonded together goes together to form a work of triumph or tragedy; the brick has been used as the building product of choice for over 5000 years.

Made predominantly from pliable clay, add heat and this material is transformed into 'rock' (a process called vitrification) that has a compressive strength of up to 1000lbs per square inch. Add certain minerals and compounds and this compressive strength can be increased even further.

Bricks are a durable building and construction material that has been the cornerstone of engineering over the centuries. With good load-bearing properties, high thermal mass and potential low energy impact, the brick's versatility has been shown in the construction of walls such as the Great Wall of China down to houses, drives, chimneys and arches.

Whilst a brick is strong, fireproof (you only have to see that the Great Fire of London in 1666 stopped wherever a brick building lay in its path) and resistant to the elements, any weakness lies in the mortar-the adhesive sand and cement or sand and lime agent that 'glues' the structure together. The effect Earthquakes have on brick structures.

Brick structures do not like to be shaken, the vibration from earthquakes being responsible for any failure of the building. This failure occurs at the weakest point - the mortar joints. New build construction has developed special seismic brick ties that are fixed to the inner structural core. The brick façade has the ability to move up and down the building and 'float' as an independent unit.

Other advances have been developed to make existing buildings in earthquake prone areas more resilient to damage. New epoxy reinforcing 'fabric' can be adhered over a brick face which disperses forces so that the bricks and mortar are held together thus minimising any damage. Brick as a Modern Methods of Construction

With the requirements to build lighter and stronger buildings more quickly, steel frame and concrete structures are now being employed as the construction method of choice for structural walls and frames with brick being used as an aesthetic decorative cladding product.

With sustainable construction high on the agenda, efforts are being made to reduce the impact brick manufacture has on the environment. Recycled glass and other waste materials have been introduced into the brick manufacturing process and can reduce firing times, temperatures and toxic emissions. At the same time they improve brick strength and durability, as well as reducing the waste going to landfill.

Earth bricks such as adobe and CEBs measure high on the sustainability index as they are made from locally available clay, sand, and water; low technology compression equipment is employed along with solar energy that assists the firing kilns.

Modern methods of brick construction have a much lower sustainability index. The UK brick industry has attempted to reduce the environmental impact of brick manufacture and continues to look at additional ways to increase its energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources.

Indian Granite Manufacturers   How To Prepare A Base For A Stone Or Paver Walkway Or Patio   Black Granite - A Beautiful Flooring Material   How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   

Ways To Increase Customer Engagement On Your Corporate Website

Once you have set up a website for your company, you want the maximum number of people to use it. They could be potential customers who will discover your products and services via your website. They can also be existing customers who use your website to check for the latest updates and offers.

If utilized, your website can become a powerful information dissemination tool as well as a transaction gateway. If the same people keep coming back to your website then they are more likely to buy from you again and again. Therefore you want to maximize your website's engagement with its audience. There are a number of ways to do this.

Regular Updates

One way to keep customers engaged is to have fresh content added on a regularly basis. This could be a new product launch, a new press release, event announcement, news update etc. It should be something that is of interest to many of your customers so they will come back for them. In addition to actually attracting people to come back to your website, it will also give new visitors a dynamic feel about your business. It can go a long way to inspire customer confidence in a virtual world where most things appear static. Whenever there is an important update (a limited time only offer or a new product launch) you should also include it in your email newsletter.

Media Content

You should utilize enticing images and videos to make your website more interactive. Videos can help customers visualize your company, your team and what you do. Video illustrations or demonstrations are also more effective in helping customers understand something than written manuals.

If your company regularly hosts events, you should take every opportunity to produce photos and videos and share those moments with customers who couldn't be there. These photos and videos will help reinforce your brand image and keep customers coming back. High quality photos and videos can also inspire confidence by giving your customers the impression that you are a professional company with high quality standards.

Customer Testimonials

You should have a system in place that asks every customer to share their testimonial on your website. This will not only get them to return to your website but also make them feel valued as a customer. Good customer testimonials are probably the most effective deal closer. They will increase your website's conversion rate with new customers and increase engagement with existing customers.

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Childhood Social Disorders - How To Support Parents And Families In Crisis

Parents and families can often find themselves in crisis when a family member has a childhood social disorder. This article will address the following:

What are childhood social disorders? What support can be offered to families?

Firstly, childhood social disorders are mysterious brain abnormalities that impact a child's development by either preventing them or delaying their normal development through the various stages of childhood. Some examples of childhood social disorders include autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD or ADHD), Conduct disorder to name a few.

The main areas of concern about these disorders is that a child is not able to process or understand a social setting in the same way as their peers and so they may end up saying or doing the wrong thing, cause offense or upset, be disruptive, appear unfeeling or uncaring and so them may end up being isolated and excluded from social activities with other peers.

To support parents and families best, it is vital that children with childhood social disorders receive the intervention and therapies that will teach them about social inclusion, learning to see things from another person's perspective, learning empathy and learning to read verbal and non verbal signals.

These are the areas that most children learn at a normal pace throughout their childhood but for children who have a social disorder, they will learn at a slower pace and may need to be shown how to do these things we so easily take for granted and which other children instinctively pick up on.

It can be difficult for parents and other family members to do many of the things we take for granted if one of the children has a social disorder which may cause them anxiety, cause them to be disruptive or cause them to behave inappropriately in certain social settings.

If a child is difficult to manage under these circumstances, a family may simply avoid going out or limit their activities so that they won't be trying to "manage" their child while trying to control their stress levels at the same time. As a result some families spent little family time together outside an environment they cannot control and this isn't healthy for anyone.

Support services and families should work together with the child so that they can gradually get used to different social situations with the ultimate aim of having less stressful situations for the family and a greater social integration for the child with a social disorder.

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Is Preschool Teaching Your Child Too Much?

There are many advocates of keeping preschool a place for play instead of using it as a bridge to learning. This theory reprimands preschools that embrace a more structured learning environment for becoming "the new kindergarten." Other groups, generally in geographical areas with very competitive private schools, advocate for a very rigid learning environment in order to get their preschooler into the best kindergarten. Both of these viewpoints are, in most cases, extreme viewpoints that are very far from the preschools of today. In reality, quality preschools are a mixture of the two philosophies.

Quality preschools generally have an ample portion of the day where the children are engaged in free choice activities with times of teacher led activities interspersed throughout the day. During child directed play, teachers allow the children to rotate through centers and create their own scenarios and outcomes. The teachers engage the children in order to facilitate learning and discovery. Learning centers are well thought out and can encompass literacy, math, science, dramatic play, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, logic, reasoning, diversity, or any other area of education or life skills. Throughout the day, core values and traits are being taught, modeled and facilitated in a quality program. These values include sharing, caring, respect, acceptance of differences and similarities, taking turns, listening, and following directions.

Teachers in a quality childcare program know the early childhood standards and meet or exceed them in preparing lessons for the children. Quality teachers also take the children's interests into account when preparing lessons. This better enables the children to obtain a love of learning which will hopefully stay with them throughout their educational experiences. In order to encourage a lasting love of learning, children need to realize that they are being taught; they need to be presented with challenges that they can conquer; they need to be led to some conclusions and be able to figure some out on their own; they need to gain confidence in their own abilities; they need to be given a strong educational foundation.

In a preschool environment that is extremely rigid, the majority of children in an average population will not flourish. This environment may cause undue stress on the children in attendance and create a sense of failure within the children that cannot adapt to this environment. Contrarily, in a preschool environment that is extremely unstructured, the majority of the same group of children will not learn at their full potential. Children in this situation may not be prepared when they enter kindergarten and may fall behind their peers due to the lack of preparation. In both cases, children may develop behavior problems or insecurities.

The optimal preschool setting is one that nurtures the whole child and includes a mixture of teacher directed and child directed activities, structured and unstructured learning, and free play.

In a preschool environment that encompasses a mixture of structured and unstructured learning times, the children can still act like children, stay engaged, and learn at their full potential. The children in this environment understand that there are times that they have more control in their day and learning content and times when they need to let the teacher have control. These children understand that discovery and learning can be fun. This environment is optimal for allowing children to obtain social skills and to acquire a strong educational foundation for when they enter into school and throughout their lives.

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Teaching Values to Kids

Teaching values to children is an important part of a parent's responsibility.

Setting aside one evening each week is one way that families can teach values.

Following are ideas for preparing a family value lesson. A sample lesson using the value of empathy is also included.

Preparing for a Family Value Lesson

1. Set the evening aside well ahead of time. This allows everyone to clear his or her schedule. You may want to pick one night a week or a month and permanently plan it in your schedule.

2. Choose a value to teach. You can choose the value or let your children suggest ideas.

3. Find materials that correspond with the value such as stories and games. Places to search for resources might be:

· Theological lesson manual · Faith based stories for children · The Internet · Children's magazines · Educational stores for children · Bookstores · Libraries

4. Find pictures or coloring pages that illustrate the value and stories you've chosen.

5. Make or buy a treat to enjoy at the end.

Family Value Lesson Example

Focusing on one value a week helps you to identify teaching moments throughout the week so you can reinforce that value.

Following is a sample family value lesson using empathy.

Value Empathy

Objective Learn how to positively reach out to others (this is covered in the "activities" below)

Materials Whiteboard & markers

Role-playing situations

Kindness award


Activities Discussion and brainstorm


Kindness award


Procedures 1. Discuss/brainstorm the words Empathy and Kindness

· What does "empathy" mean? · What does empathy have to do with kindness? · Why should we have empathy? · What are some ways you can show empathy to another person? · Have you ever hurt another person's feelings? How did that make you feel? How did it make the other person feel?

2. Divide the family into groups. Ask each group to come up with a specific situation that illustrates empathy. Then, have the group use the same situation but not show empathy. You can role-play these situations in front of each other. As a family, discuss which one was more positive and why. How would they feel if they were the person(s) in this situation?

3. Show or make kindness awards. Tell everyone that during the week or this evening they will be choosing someone in the family to give this award to. The award can have a place to write the name of their nominee. Next, write or tell that person how they showed empathy/kindness and what they learned about empathy/kindness from their nominee.

Teaching values to kids is fun and rewarding. It not only improves your own family but also makes a positive difference in your community and the world.

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Help Your Child Develop Social Skills With Toys and Games

Most parents want their children to have good social skills. Without them, your child will not be able to make friends and so will not have a happy life at school or anywhere else. It's up to parents to help their child develop in this way - and toys and games can be good tools to use.

Even though physical and mental achievement such as is seen in sports and academic success is often thought to bring happiness, it's our relationships with others that are the most vital. If a child cannot get along with their peers they'll not be truly happy no matter how gifted they are in other areas.

Parents can help their child develop social skills in various ways. Having certain standards of behavior in the home is one way and while these may differ in different cultures and families they tend to belong to three main categories.

Respecting oneself Having respect for other people Respecting other people's property

Most parents understand that teaching such principles takes time and effort and that they must be reinforced to children in many different ways to make them clear.

Not everyone realizes that toys and games can also help children learn social skills. Of course, some are better than others for this purpose, but using them will reinforce lessons in a pleasant and acceptable way. So which are best for this purpose? Here is a guide to help you choose.

Board Games

To play most board games you need more than one person. So when children play these games it gives them plenty of opportunity to interact with others such as friends and family members. Naturally, each child wants to win, but only one can. Playing such games will help children learn how to handle the disappointment of losing. They will learn to wait their turn for a go and to play without cheating.

Let's Pretend Toys

There are many toys on offer these days that help children play pretend games. Medical kits, play kitchens, dolls and dolls houses, cars and trains will all encourage wonderful games of let's pretend. Such games can be played alone, but often kids love to pretend with a friend to make it more fun. So they learn to share toys, but more importantly they learn how to talk to the others about their ideas for the game.

Verbal skills are enhanced along with co-operation if they are to play the game properly. Both boys and girls enjoy pretend games.

Basic Building Blocks

Most parents consider building blocks to be ideal for developing their kids' motor skills, but social skills can also be developed by playing with blocks. And even though children who play with blocks are quite young, they are not too young to learn social skills. Besides, which, even older children enjoy helping their younger siblings create a block tower or road.

Here's how playing with blocks can help develop social skills.

You can encourage your child to share the blocks with other people You can get them talking about what they would best like to build - or have already built. Two or more children or people can work on building one thing Parents can point out that the building progressed faster and it was more fun with another child to help

The result is that even small children learn about the advantages of teamwork and sharing. Naturally they will not be able to verbalize these lessons, but they learn them, nevertheless.

Sporting Toys

Very few sports type games can be played alone; most need one or more people for successful play. A soccer ball may be kicked around by a lone player, but how much more fun it is with a second or third child to help kick. Tennis needs two players, cricket sets for kids need two or more. When children have access to sporting toys they learn to socialize, share and play fair - all while having the best fun.

Children that learn good social skills while they are young have developed skills that will make them popular and happy not only now, but when they grow up and must face the world on their own.

The wise parent will provide toys and games to help develop this skill in a way that is indirect, but still extremely effective.

In fact, learning through playing games is usually the best way of all to learn anything. The child has had fun and wants to repeat the process. Learning in a way that is not fun is often painful for both parent and child.

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How to Organize Your Home for Educational Success

Parents need to organize their homes to be conducive to an educational environment for their children. Homes that are conducive to education have developed an environment that will increase the academic preparedness for their children. In our society, children need all the advantages necessary to become well-educated and if children can start the journey from home, all the better.

We all realize that the examples we give to our children can play a major part in what kind of person they grow up to be. If we set good examples for our children, hopefully they will observe and learn from those examples. Since parents set the first examples for their children, why not set an example of maintaining a well-organized home that has an educational environment.

Parents should realize there may be a direct relationship between a clean, well organized home and how much education and financial success children will achieve. Parents should always be looking for every advantage for their children, and if developing successful children is as simple as keeping a clean and orderly home. All of our homes should be clean. We also know that it takes more than keeping a clean house to raise educated children, and by no means am I saying that children must come from an organized, clean home in order to be successful. Children can learn in any environment, but an organized environment is more conducive to success.

Parents should also remember that requiring children to keep the house clean is part of keeping an environment conducive to education. Children should be given the responsibility of keeping their bedroom clean and also keeping any room they use in the house clean. In addition, children should have consequences for not keeping their bedroom or any room they use clean. This is a good way to build some responsibility in the children.

When organizing a home conducive for education anything that is not useful should be thrown out to make room for the educational environment. When this is completed the parents should try and find a room in the house that can be used for educational purposes. The room can be a shared room, but when someone walks in the room, they will observe the many educational tools. More information will be provided about this room later in this article.

To continue with organizing an educational friendly home, parents should place educational items throughout the house to make children aware of the importance of education. Parents could start by hanging up pictures throughout the house depict different people from other counties. This is a perfect time for parents to discuss the pictures with their children and give them a lesson about the people. The history lessons that can be derived from pictures can be invaluable for children, and remember this is part of building a house conducive to education for children.

In building an education friendly home the parents must have several bookshelves throughout the house. Bookshelves mean there are books in the home. Books should always be visible throughout the house for children, so they can realize the importance of them. Homes with no books in them are sending the wrong message to their children. Reading is the foundation of education, and the only way children can practice their reading is to have books at home. The bookshelves should be placed in strategic places throughout the house. One of the most important rooms to place the bookshelf is the child's bedroom. Children need to have easy access to books to encourage them to read. Parents should find one or two other locations in the house for bookshelves. Parents may have a special workroom in the house that could be another good location for a bookshelf.

If the house is big enough to set aside a special room for educational tools, this would be very helpful for children and adults. This room should be well lit and have a large desk or table with a computer and printer that has access to the Internet. This is a good place to have a bookshelf and books. Now since we live in the technology age, the room should also be equipped with fax, scanner, and telephone. Children can use this room to do homework, research and reading. This is what we call a 21st century room. Parents who can afford to have a 21st century room are giving their children an educational advantage that should help with their success.

Parents should also target other rooms in the house to develop an educational environment. If the house has a basement the parents can put up posters with positive messages to encourage children. Furthermore, parents can place magazines in the bathroom and in the kitchen to encourage reading. The kitchen could be used to place children's report cards on the refrigerator each semester. Parents who have degrees, awards or certificate should place them on a wall in the house or a room that is visible. Children love to see accomplishments of their parents, and maybe it can motivate them to be successful. Parents should remember that the goal is to build the entire house as an educational environment.

In addition to the educational friendly home, the parents should set some routines in place for their children that go hand and hand with the educational environment. Some routines that should be in place include having children set a special time each night to do homework, a set time to get up each morning and go to sleep each night. Children should have procedures for what chores are expected of them. It also helps if parents show children how to organize their room by placing items in special places. Parents should also consider posting a chart on the inside front cover of their child's folders to track the amount of time spent studying for each subject, and note what chapters and assignments have been completed. This can help organize your student's educational materials within your home and document his or her learning accomplishments for the school year.Time should be set aside for children to read. If possible, dinner should be eaten as a family, and parents should discuss the happening of the day.

Parents should monitor noise levels during homework time. Whether the child is working independently or together with parents, the phones, televisions and outside noises distract should be at a minimum. Parents should be aware of study time and encourage family and visitors to avoid unnecessary interruptions, such as loud video games or conversations. Consider turning off or silencing electronic devices that can interfere with students' concentration during study time. Television should be turned off during the week and only allowed on the week-end.

Parents should build a relationship with their children that encourage them to do a good job at school; this is part of the process of building a home conducive to educational success. The parents should expect their children to be successful in school and provide all resources needed to make it happen. Parents should continuously tell their children how smart they are and make sure they placed them in educational enrichment programs outside of their normal school day to build on their intelligence. If parents want their children to attend college, this should be clearly stated at an early age. If parents are trying to gear children toward a particular career they must begin early by focusing on skills that are necessary for that career.

In order to continuously encourage children, parents should show interest in their child's ideas and allow them to express themselves. Don't continuously quiet them.

Remember, learning at home doesn't always have to be restricted to your residence - visiting a local science museum or taking in a play may be related to something the child is doing at school, and will broaden the child perspective on life.

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The Lessons of a Little League Coach

For ten years I coached Little League baseball and softball, not to mention being an umpire and serving on the local board of directors. I cannot lay claim to being the greatest coach, nor the worse. I certainly didn't suffer under the illusion this was the big leagues, nor that my kids would go on to play pro ball, even though a handful made it to the college level. Instead, I wanted to teach the mechanics of the game (how it is played), sportsmanship, and the general love of the game. My kids are all grown up now and if I made the slightest impression on them, that I somehow shaped their perspective on the game, than I consider myself lucky. There were only two things I asked of them; that they try their hardest, and maintain their grades in school.

Baseball is a game; something you are supposed to find entertaining and rewarding. I never understood those coaches or parents who believed in winning at all costs. Some would accuse me of not being competitive enough. Sure, I wanted to see our team win, but not "at all costs"; not if it caused us to lose sight of right and wrong and a distorted sense of sportsmanship. There were coaches who would make their kids run laps if they lost a game. I guess this was designed to shame them into playing better and to teach them losing was a disgrace. Had this been some life threatening event, I may have understood their rationale. It wasn't. It was Little League. It was a game.

Whether I was coaching boys or girls, prior to the game I would have the kids line up on our foul line, take off their caps, and recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag. It became my signature to do so. To my way of thinking, baseball is America's game and it was my way of making the kids cognizant of not only our country but the need for fair play. When we recited the pledge, we would invite the other team to join us, as well as the parents. Most were happy to do so, but I ran into at least three coaches who steadfastly refused to have their teams participate. I thought this was strange, as did the parents of the other teams.

During practice we would spend a lot of time teaching defensive moves both in the infield and outfield. There was also a lot of batting practice. The league would also sponsor clinics in batting, pitching, catching, and umpiring. During batting practice, I would spend considerable time on bunting. Girls had no problem with it, but boys tended to resist it. Nonetheless, they learned the virtue of a good bunt and how it can win a game. There is perhaps nothing more exciting to see a bunt win a game or a stolen base. Speed was important to me. If we got on base, we made it clear we were going to challenge the arms of the other team, if for no other reason than to unnerve them.

Aside from the physical nuances of the game, we also taught the psychological aspects, such as the importance of momentum, dominance at the plate or on the mound, and how to "sell" a play to an umpire. As to the latter, we obviously didn't want our players to cheat, but we told them an umpire has only one set of eyes and cannot possibly see everything. Therefore, it is important to do such things as showing the ball in your hand after a close play, thereby helping the umpire make up his mind for him.

One time, when we were playing defense, a player from the other team advanced to first base in a close game and we were concerned he would steal second base. From the dugout I would yell a football call, "Red 21"... "Red 21." This confused the runner and coach who believed a secret play was in the works to throw him out. Consequently, the runner held at first and never advanced. As the inning ended, my players returned to the dugout where they asked me what "Red 21" meant. "Nothing," I replied. It was just a smokescreen to confuse the other team. The kids thought it was a riot.

We also spent a lot of time explaining the strategy of the game, such as when to throw a pitch-out to a dangerous hitter, how a third baseman should challenge a bunt, picking-off a runner, how to keep a runner on second base, and much more. A lot of my kids, particularly the girls, learned how to keep score and came to realize the value of a well maintained scorecard.

It was also important to teach the kids to have fun. During practice we would play certain rock and roll songs with a certain beat and rhythm to teach them timing, particularly Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, and The Who. Parents who would normally drop the kids off and leave would stay and listen to the music. It became somewhat of a social scene for the parents who would gel and become strong supporters of the team.

Now and then, when our hitting was off, we would say "Time to wake up the bats," and drop three or four bats loudly in the dugout to get the kids to snap out of their slump. If the kids were groggy at an early Saturday morning game, which seemed to be common, we would give them sugar-sweet pixie sticks which would give them a jolt of energy to wake them up.

Little League games typically last just six innings. One time, during a night game, we were playing a team coached by a friend of mine. We concocted a little scheme with the umpire and at the end of the fifth inning, the umpire called "time," and both teams came out of their dugouts and over to the sidelines where the parents were sitting. They looked perplexed as to what we were doing. We had the kids assemble in multiple lines in front of the parents and, on queue, we began to sing "Happy Birthday" to one of the mothers who was a local school teacher. Both the parents and the kids enjoyed the experience, and I'm sure the mom won't forget it anytime soon.

As we live in Florida, we have a Fall league to provide additional coaching to players. Inevitably, we would play during the day on Halloween in October. For this, the coaches wore masks which looked ridiculous but broke the tension for the kids.

There were of course many other things to liven up the season, such as ice cream, pizza, and an occasional barbeque. It was important that we taught the kids to play hard both on and off the field.

I learned a lot from this experience. I met a lot of good, caring parents over the years, but more importantly I got to meet a lot of great kids and it was fun watching them grow into adulthood. It's not important they remember me, although I will bump into one of my players now and then, but it's more important they remember something they learned along the way, such as how to lay down a bunt, how to keep score, appreciating the difficulty of throwing a runner out at second, the importance of teamwork, or standing for the national anthem with their hand or cap over their heart. If I contributed in any way to such things, then I consider myself a successful coach. It's not the runs scored that makes baseball a fascinating game, it's the kids.

Keep the Faith!

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How To Create Good Financial Habits In Your Children

Children are easily influenced by the people they look up to. Many times, we hear people say that a kid resembles their father or mother in behavioral traits. That is because it is the parents or the older family members whose behavior influences a kid. Creating good money habits in children is very essential. Money is integral to all our lives. But money should not be managed in such a manner that it becomes the focal point of a person's life.

Creating good money habits in children doesn't mean teaching them to save all their money. A person with good financial habits must know how to spend, save and manage individual and general expenditure. In a child's early years, piggy banks for children can be a stepping stone towards creating balanced financial habits. A child must also understand that saving money is not the only way of managing their finances. It's the duty of parents to make them realize that there are things more precious in life than money.

Spending and sharing when required is also considered to be a good financial habit. A child needs to understand that there are critical junctures in life when spending money can bring happiness. They should also help less fortunate people around them with money, when required. Parents should try to cultivate spending and sharing habits in the family. Buy your children large piggy banks and ask them to save from their pocket money or allowance for a particular purpose.

When children start to move towards the teenage period, let them manage their own expenditures. Allow them to have a limited amount of money in hand and observe the ways in which they are utilizing it. Don't nag or criticize. Watch the ways in which they manage their finances. Guide them as necessary by providing them with options.

The mind of a child is highly susceptible to their environment. It's important to guide them down the right paths. Teach him or her to be liberal with money. The best thing about children is that they are fast learners; however, there is a catch. They learn virtue and vice with the same lan and speed. So watch out. Be careful that your child doesn't grow to be a miser. Lessons for creating good money habits must not produce a solely money-minded adult.

As a parent, when you are helping other family members or friends with money, make sure that your child observes this. This will make him or her realize that money is a source of security not only for an individual but also for the others around them.

Last but not the least, gift your child with money sometimes. Money is an amazing tool for reinforcement. If he or she does something special, for example, scoring well in exams, winning a competition or successfully completing a course, reward them with a little money. The spark of happiness in their eyes will make you happy, too. Don't miss it.

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The Excellent Student: Junior High and High School

As discussed in the previous installment, "The Excellent Student- Grade School", I would like to reiterate the fact that excellent students are created through hard work and dedication, not genes. Having Mensa DNA in your family tree certainly wouldn't hurt, but commitment and consistent effort from your student and yourself will prevail. That's right... You!

Face it, raising primates isn't easy. Even if there was a good playbook, it wouldn't be a lot of help because the rules of the game keep changing. Although they take more direct care, in many ways your grade school student is easier since you are able to form good habits early. By the time they are a teenager, poor habits may have already formed or they may have developed a pre-conceived notion of their own academic ability.

As professional educators and parents, it is extremely important to radiate happiness and joy in what we do. When opportunities arise, we should always let our teenage children know that we are extremely interested in them as persons. The self-esteem you help them build will be one of your child's greatest assets as a student and as an adult.

It's your job to help your teenager over all the hurdles and win out in the end. Here's a few tips that may help you along the way.

1.Communication! Have a serious behavioral discussion... This is a must! Parents must always encourage their teenagers to maintain proper conduct and courteous behavior. Take the time to have a heart to heart discussion on the importance of obeying rules, respecting others and the significance of education in life. Try to avoid anger, criticism and frustration when discussing this. (Sometimes it's not easy!)

2.Develop a positive environment. Remember that an environment should maximize a teenager's growth potential educationally, emotionally and socially. It needs to contribute to excellent development on all levels. This special environment is as important at home as well as at any school or institution of learning.

3.Know your school and its staff. As parents, you want a school that is dedicated to enhancing your teenager's learning. All students should be educated in such a way that they are provided with the necessary learning skills and self-esteem needed to succeed in any academic environment. Schools need to access their students full potential by providing leading edge education, research and even community outreach. They should offer opportunities for their students to experience interests and natural talents which will develop self-reliance and respect for others. If students acquire strategies for learning and organizing information, this will generally enable them to become independent students.

4.Praise effort, not grades. It's easy to heap praise on your child when they bring home a stellar progress report, but don't forget the importance of that grade that went from a C- to a C+. Acknowledging and rewarding progress at ALL levels builds self-esteem and keeps the motivation level high.

5.Know their friends. This may sound more like parenting advice than teaching advice, but it's important. Not only does peer pressure have a great deal of impact on your child's behavior, but also on their academic success. Insist on meeting their friends and develop a rapport with them. Ask about their academic progress so they also know your family's dedication to education. Perhaps one of your child's friends can help with a difficult subject or maybe your child can help a friend. This helps to solidify your commitment and extend it to their peer group.

6.Eliminate distractions. This probably goes without saying, but contrary to what your teenagers may tell you, having their iPod plugged into their head does NOT help them to concentrate. Likewise, Facebook is not an educational tool. Have a place for them to work preferably with some degree of supervision. The internet provides good reference material, but can be a deep pool of distraction as well.

7.Encourage involvement. Extra curricular activities like sports and clubs help your student on so many levels. Enthusiasm for their environment, school spirit, teamwork, friendship and just keeping them busy in a healthy environment. My parents used to call it "keeping me out of trouble". It's usually not easy on parents since many times these activities will involve additional expense and time from you, but the payoff is worth it.

8.Take a deep breath. Teenagers are challenging at best. They are strong willed, single minded individuals that know everything and are constantly beset by external forces that are not necessarily in their best interest. Remember, you really do know what's best and must take charge while remaining empathetic and patient. Good luck.

9.Off season programs. While the rest of the world is on Summer Vacation, this is a great time to push ahead... Think of it as continuing the race while others are making a pit stop. That doesn't mean your child has to work all summer, but this is a great time to get them help on a problem subject or take part in some fun educational programs. If you're lucky enough to be lining up some family vacation time, don't overlook the learning potential here!

10.Extra educational assistance (tutoring), this is so critical and necessary! It's important to assess whatever tutorial service you are considering. You need to check out the program available. Take your teenagers with you, check to see that they are comfortable in that particular environment. Meet the teacher in charge and other staff members. Ask about their qualifications. All of these factors will help you decide the best solution for your teenage students.

Please remember that education is for life and you, as a parent, want the very best for your child.

Happy Learning!

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What to Look for in a Preschool to Ensure Your Child's Future

A preschool is the foundation of education, and without a good start then your child may struggle for years. What is good to know is that many children enjoy this early time at school. They get to meet and interact with new people, including others their own size. They get to learn things in a fun and easygoing environment. Moreover, parents get to step back and allow their child to enter into the real work on their own. However, to ensure your child's experience is the best, be sure that the facility you select offers the key features necessary.

Curriculum or Not?

Sometimes, the key factor to consider in a preschool is the curriculum. In short, this is not a daycare center. The kids are not just there to be watched while you work or handle other activities. Therefore, you should expect the facility to offer a higher level of education. This should include fine and large motor skills, language development skills, and social development. You also want to see the kids learning about relationships as well as how to act with other people in various scenarios. Simple things, like cutting, shapes and the ABC's are also important for children to learn at this young age.

What Kind of Learning Style?

Do one or two teachers teach the class? Are they licensed? Does the facility offer videos for the kids to sit and watch or hands on activities to engage them? There should be a focus on a healthy environment, too, which should include healthy food choices and plenty of physical play. All of these elements play a role in the development of your child and the preschools are the place to start getting that education.

Other Features to Look for in These Facilities

What else should matter when choosing a facility for your child's first years of education? It should be close to your home so you can easily pick up the kids when there is a need to. It should provide a safe environment. You should feel comfortable about the number of students to the number of teachers. This student to teach ratio is a critical factor. Additionally, you may want to consider whether the facility has a religious focus or not. Cost is often a topic to consider as well.

When it comes to choosing a preschool, take your time. Tour the facility and even step in to watch a class take place. It will help you to feel more comfortable about what your child is going to expect and it can even help you to feel good about what you are providing for your son or daughter. That can help you to know they will benefit from this experience.

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Is Preschool Education As Important As It Is Believed to Be?

Parents are so concerned about the education of their children; they start to prepare them from a very early age. It is in Kindergarten that children really begin to learn the basics of education. However, before entering Kindergarten, parents should ensure children are equipped to enter it by sending them to Preschools.

However, according to experts in early child care, parents are doing more harm than good by pressurizing children to learn to count, identify letters, learn to read etc, which they will do easily when they enter Kindergarten. They insist there are other important and beneficial skills children require when they enter Kindergarten, for which Preschool can prepare them.

Children enter school from various backgrounds, with diverse levels of social as well as emotional maturity. A preschool should provide your children chances to start and develop positive qualities like confidence, independence, motivation, curiosity, persistence, cooperation, self-control, empathy and much more.

It is important that children believe in their abilities and dare to take new tasks. They should not give up upon failure, for which confidence in them is required. Preschool can do a lot to boost confidence level in the little ones. When children enter Preschool they are dependent on their parents so much, it is the Preschool preparation that should teach them independence so that they can do things on their own.

Children must learn out of their own will and not through pressure. Preschool should motivate them to learn with interest. Similarly, Preschool should be able to retain the natural curiosity of children so that they can acquire the most from all the learning opportunities they get.

Persistence is another quality that makes a successful person. Many of us start a project or work with enthusiasm, but lack the persistence to complete it successfully. Work left half done speaks poorly of a person. Children should be taught to finish an activity for which persistence is a must.

Man is a social being. In order to be successful in our daily life we should be able to move along with others in a pleasant and effective way. Preschool teaches qualities like cooperation so that the child get along with fellow students, take turns and learn the art of sharing.

If your child has the habit of throwing tantrums and making a fuss when he does not get what he wants, Preschool is the instrument to teach him self control. Here children are taught to express anger in an acceptable and good way. Hitting and shouting are bad ways of expressing anger.

Above all children should have empathy for others. Understanding the feelings of others and respecting a second opinion makes a good human being. Preschool education should help children attain all the basic qualities to be a good human being and move on to advanced learning in Kindergarten.

Samoan Etiquette: Mind Your Body Parts   Teaching Values to Kids   Teaching Values to Kids   

Ten Commitments for Men by Tom Massey: Book Review

Tom Massey, who is a long time corporate leadership trainer, has produced a truly excellent book on how to navigate through life with commitments to high standards, integrity, enthusiasm, and good health. His ten points offer a road map based on wisdom and experience, his and others. The book is well written and organized, at the same time being an enjoyable read.

As a retired Chief of Police and the author of my own book, Leading beyond Tradition, it was my responsibility to provide the employees and citizens with such a map for their safety and work experience, as well as the quality of life for the community. I have taught leadership extensively in the public and private sectors and recognize there is, at best, inconsistency in what leadership actually is and how to make it work in today's world. Leadership is about people and Mr. Massey clearly recognizes those principles that constitute success.

The ten commitments Mr. Massey lists and describes are really what it takes to not only lead, but live your life to its fullest with honor and dignity. The criticality of each commitment cannot be overemphasized, and by combining all ten the practitioner lives the behaviors and models them to everyone. It has been demonstrated that people who associate with negative people themselves become negative and cynical. One's attitude is a choice, solely that of the individual, and the commitments in Mr. Massey's book are the guide to follow. While they are nothing new, they are what is necessary. Every successful person over the ages has believed in and practiced these commitments.

It has been said that once a person stops learning, they languish in the past, while one who commits to continuous learning and improvement stays current and able to live well and contribute at a higher level. The anecdotes provided in Mr. Massey's book are relevant and aligned with delivering his message. This is a book that should be read by everyone. It should be part of every home library, public library, and educational institution. These are the principles that made us great, made us what we are. We need to know them, understand them, and live by them.

Thank you Mr. Massey, for remembering them and bringing them home once again.

Review of "The Game," by Neil Strauss   Review of "The Game," by Neil Strauss   Essential Reads for Men: 'The Food and Beer Cook Book' by Richard Fox   

The Man In My Basement-Book Review

"The Man in My Basement" by Walter Mosley

"The Man in My Basement" is almost a writer's version of a symphony. Its theme is quiet and subtly played, but it draws you into its music by changing out the rhythms into making a man's most mundane existence extraordinary.

The two main characters could not be more vastly diverse. Charles Blakey lives in the home and on the property his family has owned for generations. He's recently lost his job and he's behind on his mortgage payments. The other man, Anniston Bennet appears to be a man of means who wants to rent out the Blakey basement for the summer at a fee "that it would make it more than worth your while". The money would be more than welcome, but as with any offer that comes out of the thin air, there are strange provisions that go along with it. At first the offer is dismissed, but then re-visited for financial reasons and the one man's rescue.

As the story opens further, the plot thickens by letting the reader find out strange personality quirks on both men. One reveals that he's a closet thief and possible drunk with not much in the way of taking care of himself or the people in his life. The other turns out to be a complete sham, hiding his cultural background and the fact that he is indeed a ruthless killer, who is now beginning to have regrets about his life.

Like a fine symphony, you know this rather simple story must end. Due to the events that take place, you also know that it will be rather dirge-like in its completion, yet you keep reading. The end, like a melody is not surprise, yet it was an interesting piece of orchestration.

Carine is a journalist and writing coach with many different journalistic areas of interest. She has had items published in major magazines, websites and newspapers. To read more of Carine's work, log onto:

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